Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Stewart - McCain

Last night John McCain was on the Daily Show, and, I have to say, this is likely the best episode of the DS that I have seen in a long time.

Stewart started out with some unusually direct takes on the Iraq War, pitting first-term Bush Jr. against second-term Bush Jr. I usually don't like this kind of "interview the videotape" gag, but the content of this was so good that it was worth it.

Stewart had McCain on as the guest. My biggest complaint about Stewart is that he has a regrettable tendency to be overly deferential to right-wingers when they are actually on his show. His interview with the criminal Henry Kissinger a few years ago made me stop watching for a few months. Why on Earth would someone like Stewart kiss the ass of a megalomaniac like Kissinger, a man directly responsible for the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and -- something that affects me personally -- the toppling of the democratic government of Chile in 1973?

Last night, though, Stewart was completely on his game. He came across as no-bullshit, ceded no points to McCain out of deference, and really exposed McCain for the pathetic party hack that he has unfortunately become.

For the video, check out Crooks & Liars as usual.

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